"Consistency and accuracy in memory: Effects of schema-typicality, rete" by Terri D Patterson

Consistency and accuracy in memory: Effects of schema-typicality, retention interval and question-format

Terri D Patterson, Florida International University


This study examined the effect of schemas on consistency and accuracy of memory across interviews, providing theoretical hypotheses explaining why inconsistencies may occur. The design manipulated schema-typicality of items (schema-typical and atypical), question format (free-recall, cued-recall and recognition) and retention interval (immediate/2 week and 2 week/4 week). Consistency, accuracy and experiential quality of memory were measured. All independent variables affected accuracy and experiential quality of memory while question format was the only variable affecting consistency. These results challenge the commonly held notion in the legal arena that consistency is a proxy for accuracy. The study also demonstrates that other variables, such as item-typicality and retention interval have different effects on consistency and accuracy in memory.

Subject Area

Cognitive therapy

Recommended Citation

Patterson, Terri D, "Consistency and accuracy in memory: Effects of schema-typicality, retention interval and question-format" (2004). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1425751.
