"Rainbow Diet: A new nutrition education tool" by Maribel Cedillo

Rainbow Diet: A new nutrition education tool

Maribel Cedillo, Florida International University


The purpose of this study was to develop a developmentally appropriate new nutrition education tool, the Rainbow Diet for Children (RDFC), to encourage and aid parents in feeding their children according to current national recommendations. In phase I of the study, the RDFC was developed. Foods were grouped based on color. Phase II of the study consisted of actual testing of the RDFC with children. A pre and post intervention comparison revealed three significant differences. For the FGP group cholesterol intake was significantly (p < 0.006) increased and thiamin intake was significantly (p < 0.022) decreased. For the control group there was a significant increase (p < 0.005) in the vitamin A intake. For the inter group mean change scores (posttest-pretest) two significant differences were found. First, cholesterol intake in the RDFC was significantly (p < 0.045) decreased while for the other two groups it increased significantly. Furthermore, the mean monounsaturated fat intake for the RDFC group significantly decreased (p < 0.047) from pre to post, whereas in the other two groups it was increased. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

Subject Area

Nutrition|Health education

Recommended Citation

Cedillo, Maribel, "Rainbow Diet: A new nutrition education tool" (2004). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1423747.
