"Blurring the lines between public and private spaces in residential de" by Rosi Elizabeth Goodman

Blurring the lines between public and private spaces in residential design

Rosi Elizabeth Goodman, Florida International University


This thesis explores the role of public space as an integral part of residential design to promote a sense of community, where neighbors can congregate and children can play in safety. Through research and analysis of successful public spaces, I evaluated relationships between dwellings and public spaces that offer progressive levels of privacy, and between indoor and outdoor spaces. Further research of published studies on child development, human behavior and relationships with nature identified a human preference for natural environments, a need for adequate recreation space for children's development and the potential of open spaces to build a strong sense of community. My project develops multiple transitional spaces between the street and the interior of dwellings that provide varying degrees of privacy closely related to the community's green spaces. The result is a community-oriented pedestrian environment that encourages family and community values and contributes to the healthy living of its residents without depriving them of their privacy.

Subject Area

Architecture|Landscaping|Urban planning|Area planning & development

Recommended Citation

Goodman, Rosi Elizabeth, "Blurring the lines between public and private spaces in residential design" (2003). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1417218.
