"A worksite nutrition education program increased firefighters' knowled" by Stacy Jill Winton

A worksite nutrition education program increased firefighters' knowledge and resulted in healthier attitudes toward fad diets

Stacy Jill Winton, Florida International University


The effectiveness of a worksite nutrition education program to improve firefighters' knowledge and weight management strategies was evaluated. One hundred fifty Miami-Dade Fire Rescue workers recruited for the study were randomly assigned to an intervention or a control group. The intervention group attended four 30-minute worksite nutrition education sessions. A nutrition knowledge test completed by both groups before and after the intervention showed no significant differences between groups for pre-intervention nutrition knowledge. The post-intervention increase in nutrition knowledge was significantly greater (p < 0.001) for the intervention group (16.8% ± 8.2) compared to the control group (4% ± 8.9). No significant pre-intervention difference was found between the groups' predilection toward a ketogenic diet. A statistically significant (p < 0.01) reduction was seen in the intervention group's willingness (0.57 ± 1.06) to use this diet compared to the control group (0.02 ± 0.99). Results indicate that worksite nutrition education can improve firefighters' knowledge and weight reduction strategies.

Subject Area

Nutrition|Occupational safety|Health education

Recommended Citation

Winton, Stacy Jill, "A worksite nutrition education program increased firefighters' knowledge and resulted in healthier attitudes toward fad diets" (2002). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1409102.
