"Rebirth of a neighborhood: In streetscape design" by Itzel Lozada

Rebirth of a neighborhood: In streetscape design

Itzel Lozada, Florida International University


This study involves one of the eight neighborhoods in the City of Miami named Little Havana. Little Havana, once a flourishing Hispanic community during the 1960s through the 1980s, is now experiencing housing deterioration, economic disinvestment, and increased social needs. Although the City developed a Community Development Plan for the neighborhood addressing the neighborhood problems, needs, and objectives, it failed to address and take advantage of the area's prominent commercial street, Calle Ocho, as a cultural catalyst for the revitalization of the neighborhood. With an urban study and understanding of the area's needs for transit system improvements, program analysis, and a valuable architectural inventory, an intervention project can be developed. The project will capitalize on the area's historical and cultural assets and serve as a step towards altering the area's decline and revitalizing the street and community to recapture the energy present during the early years of the massive Cuban migration.

Subject Area

Architecture|Area Planning and Development

Recommended Citation

Lozada, Itzel, "Rebirth of a neighborhood: In streetscape design" (2001). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1403694.
