"Factors affecting emergency department length of stay of patients admi" by Stephanie Thatcher Weinsier

Factors affecting emergency department length of stay of patients admitted to telemetry and critical care units

Stephanie Thatcher Weinsier, Florida International University


The purpose of this study was to determine the emergency department (ED) length of stay (LOS) of patients admitted to inpatient telemetry and critical care units and to identify the factors that contribute to a prolonged ED LOS. It also examined whether there was a difference in ED LOS between clients evaluated by an ED physician, an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) or a Physician's Assistant (PA). A data collection tool was devised and used to record data obtained by retrospectively reviewing 110 charts of patients from this sample. The mean ED LOS was 286.75 minutes. Multiple factors were recorded as affecting the ED LOS of this sample, including: age, diagnosis, consultations, multiple radiographs, pending admission orders, nurse unable to call report/busy, relatives at bedside, observation or stabilization necessary, bed not ready and infusion in progress. No significant difference in ED LOS was noted between subjects initially evaluated by a physician, an ARNP or a PA.

Subject Area

Nursing|Surgery|Health care

Recommended Citation

Weinsier, Stephanie Thatcher, "Factors affecting emergency department length of stay of patients admitted to telemetry and critical care units" (1999). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1393735.
