"Remote learning and laboratory center over Internet and ISDN" by Sanjay Madhav Patel

Remote learning and laboratory center over Internet and ISDN

Sanjay Madhav Patel, Florida International University


Recent advances in telecommunications technologies have transformed the modes of learning and teaching. One potentially vital component in the equation will be Remote Education or Remote Learning, the ability to compress time and space between teachers and students through the judicious application of technology. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a Remote Learning and Laboratory Center over the Internet and ISDN, which provide education and access to resources to those living in remote areas, children in hospitals and traveling families, with audio, video and data. Remote Learning and Laboratory Center (RLLC) is not restricted to merely traditional education processes such as universities or colleges, it can be very useful for companies to train their engineers, via networks. This capability will facilitate the best use of scarce, high quality educational resources and will bring equity of services to students as well as will be helpful to the Industries to train their engineers. The RLLC over the Internet and ISDN has been described in details and implemented successfully. For the Remote Laboratory, the experiment procedure has been demonstrated on reprogrammable CPLD design using ISR Kit.

Subject Area

Electrical engineering|Educational software|Information Systems

Recommended Citation

Patel, Sanjay Madhav, "Remote learning and laboratory center over Internet and ISDN" (1998). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1392666.
