"A realtime Internet-based quality control application for hurricane su" by Luis R. Amat

A realtime Internet-based quality control application for hurricane surface wind observations

Luis R. Amat, Florida International University


This thesis chronicles the design and implementation of a Internet/Intranet and database based application for the quality control of hurricane surface wind observations. A quality control session consists of selecting desired observation types to be viewed and determining a storm track based time window for viewing the data. All observations of the selected types are then plotted in a storm relative view for the chosen time window and geography is positioned for the storm-center time about which an objective analysis can be performed. Users then make decisions about data validity through visual nearest-neighbor comparison and inspection. The project employed an Object Oriented iterative development method from beginning to end and its implementation primarily features the Java programming language.

Subject Area

Computer science|Atmosphere|Information Systems

Recommended Citation

Amat, Luis R., "A realtime Internet-based quality control application for hurricane surface wind observations" (1998). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1392665.
