"Nurses' spiritual well-being: Its influence on attitudes and level of " by Vivian Jean Kemp

Nurses' spiritual well-being: Its influence on attitudes and level of practice in providing spiritual care

Vivian Jean Kemp, Florida International University


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the spiritual well-being of nurses and its influence on their attitudes toward providing spiritual care to patients. Two research instruments and a demographic data form were used for the survey. Using a descriptive design, tbe Spiritual Well-Being Scale, the Health Professional's Spiritual Role Scale, and the demographic data form were administered to 100 registered nurses from a large South Florida teaching hospital. The findings indicated a significantly positive correlation between the overall Spiritual Well-Being Scale and the Health Professional's Spiritual Role Scale (r = 0.52; p =.005). Significant differences were found between correlation of nurses' levels of spiritual well-being and all sociodemographic factors except for the three Age Groups and for religious affiliations. Findings have implications for how nurses should be trained in meeting patients total needs.

Subject Area


Recommended Citation

Kemp, Vivian Jean, "Nurses' spiritual well-being: Its influence on attitudes and level of practice in providing spiritual care" (1998). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1388977.
