"Laypersons' awareness of the role and function of the nurse practition" by Colleen Rae Roblin

Laypersons' awareness of the role and function of the nurse practitioner

Colleen Rae Roblin, Florida International University


The purpose of this descriptive study was to document the level of awareness that laypersons have regarding the role and function of the nurse practitioner (NP). An instrument developed for a similar study, conducted in 1994, comparing patients' and physicians' level of knowledge of the role and function of the NP, had a low reliability. Revision of the instrument was required before further use could be justified. A pilot study of 25 laypersons was conducted to ensure that the revised tool was reliable prior to conducting a study. Reliability for the pilot sample was 0.84. The study results indicated that the majority of the sample (83%), (n = 100) knew that a NP was a registered nurse who was qualified to diagnose and treat minor illnesses. The level of layperson awareness was limited regarding prescriptive privileges, well-woman exams, and the NPs' ability to perform physical exams, and interpret lab results and x-rays.

Subject Area

Nursing|Health education

Recommended Citation

Roblin, Colleen Rae, "Laypersons' awareness of the role and function of the nurse practitioner" (1997). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1387296.
