"Stigma and homeless women" by Rose Kathryn Bebon

Stigma and homeless women

Rose Kathryn Bebon, Florida International University


Homelessness among women is an increasing phenomenon. Past research has established the characteristics and the numbers of the homeless thus establishing the heterogeneity of the group. The focus of this work is to examine common experiences and explain how homeless women interpret their circumstances. Erving Goffman's classic work on stigma is combined with the meaning of home and its connection with personal identity. A number of case studies are used to further develop and explain the implications of the homeless state upon the women.

Subject Area

Welfare|Families & family life|Personal relationships|Sociology|Womens studies|Social psychology

Recommended Citation

Bebon, Rose Kathryn, "Stigma and homeless women" (1996). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1385285.
