"Flow and water budgets in the C-111 and L-31W canals near the Everglad" by Eric J Slater

Flow and water budgets in the C-111 and L-31W canals near the Everglades National Park, Dade County, Florida

Eric J Slater, Florida International University


Acoustic velocity meter (AVM) sites, located both distant and adjacent to canal water control structures, were constructed and calibrated in L-31W borrow canal and Canal 111 (C-111) to measure canal water velocity. Data were used to compute monthly discharge volumes and overall water budgets for several canal reaches from August 1994 to May 1996. The water budgets indicated extensive aquifer inflows in L-31W associated, in part, with S-332 pump station return flows. Canal and groundwater piezometer data showed 5 distinct hydrologic scenarios (distinguished by the direction and magnitude of hydraulic gradients) in the important Frog Pond area on the eastern boundary of the Everglades National Park. Most of the water lost from C-111 was via surface water losses near the outlet of the system, close to Florida Bay. The distribution of flows during the study suggest an alteration of the present South Dade Conveyance System modification plan to improve water deliveries to Taylor Slough and the Eastern Panhandle of the Everglades National Park.

Subject Area


Recommended Citation

Slater, Eric J, "Flow and water budgets in the C-111 and L-31W canals near the Everglades National Park, Dade County, Florida" (1996). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1383099.
