"A generational analysis of survival strategies of Southern rural Black" by Bennie Lee (Dot) Osborne

A generational analysis of survival strategies of Southern rural Black women

Bennie Lee (Dot) Osborne, Florida International University


This study examines cross-generational survival strategies, among Southern Rural Black women. Through their oral histories, the currents that run through the lives of five women will be examined from a Black female's perspective. While the experiences are richly different across four generations, these women have provided for their families despite the triple discrimination of being female, poor, and Black. Three important survival resources are identified: kin, education, and religion. The mothering role emerged as a master status with special emphasis on the mother-daughter relationship.

Subject Area

Cultural anthropology|Families & family life|Personal relationships|Sociology|Womens studies|African Americans

Recommended Citation

Osborne, Bennie Lee (Dot), "A generational analysis of survival strategies of Southern rural Black women" (1996). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1382616.
