"Dietary intake of world-ranked professional tennis players" by Jill Mara Sinofsky

Dietary intake of world-ranked professional tennis players

Jill Mara Sinofsky, Florida International University


The diets of 44 professional tennis players, 27 male and 17 female, were assessed at the 1995 Lipton International Players Championships. Mean male 1995 world ranking was 271 $\pm$ 196, range 23-1139; female, 360 $\pm$ 116, 8-360. Players were divided into groups by rank: higher, 1-200; lower, 200+. Average self-reported heights and weights were 72.3 in. and 166.3 lb. for males and 66.6 in. and 128.5 lb. for females. There were no significant differences between ranked groups for height, weight, body size or energy expenditure. Higher ranked males averaged significantly greater intakes of energy than lower ranked males, 4131 kcal (54 kcal/kg) vs. 3123 kcal (40 kcal/kg) (p =.035), and carbohydrate, 596 g (7.7 g/kg) vs. 447 g (5.7 g/kg) (p =.018). Higher ranked females averaged greater intakes of energy, 2490 kcal (42 kcal/kg) vs. 2288 kcal (37 kcal/kg), and carbohydrate, 388 g (6.5 g/kg) vs. 325 g (5.2 g/kg). Higher ranked players tended to consume more food and fluids before, during and after match play.

Subject Area

Nutrition|Anatomy & physiology|Animals|Health education|Sports medicine

Recommended Citation

Sinofsky, Jill Mara, "Dietary intake of world-ranked professional tennis players" (1996). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1379186.
