"The Effects of Video Prompting on Teaching Daily Living Tasks to Indiv" by Mashal Salman Aljehany

The Effects of Video Prompting on Teaching Daily Living Tasks to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Mashal Salman Aljehany, Florida International University


Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience difficulties with learning age-appropriate daily living skills (DLS) at their homes, schools, and in the community. Such skills are significant for independent life, post-school education, employment, and overall quality of life. Video prompting (VP) is a teaching practice that has demonstrated positive outcomes in teaching a variety of DLS to individuals with ASD. The overarching purpose of this collected papers dissertation was to investigate the effects of VP interventions on improving DLS of individuals with ASD. This dissertation included two separate papers. The first paper was a meta-analysis that examined the overall effect of VP when teaching DLS to individuals with ASD across single-case research design (SCRD) studies. An analysis of potential moderators was also examined: VP intervention types, participants' ages, and participants' disabilities. There were 54 participantsacross17 studies meeting the study's inclusion criteria. The results demonstrated a high-moderate effect size (ES) for VP on the acquisition of DLS across 17 studies including 54 participants. The analysis of potential moderators showed no significant differences across all moderator variables. Limitations and implications for research and practices are provided in Chapter II. The second paper was a SCRD study comparing the effects of VP alone to least-to-most prompting alone on improving three office-related tasks to secondary-aged children with developmental disabilities. An adapted alternating treatment design (AATD), including baseline, comparison, best treatment, and final treatment phases was used to examine the interventions. Data related to the effects, efficiency, and social validity of both interventions were collected to address the research questions. Video prompting was effective for all participants, while least-to-most promoting was effective for two participants. Also, VP was more efficient than least-to-most prompting in terms of sessions-to-criterion and percent of errors for all participants. Least-to-most prompting was more efficient than VP in terms of the total duration of teaching time for all participants. Finally, all participants and their teachers reported positive perspectives regarding the study's procedures and outcomes. Limitations, future research, and implications for practices are discussed in Chapter III. Lastly, the summary of the entire dissertation and extended discussions of both papers are presented in Chapter IV.

Subject Area

Special education|Clinical psychology|Vocational education

Recommended Citation

Aljehany, Mashal Salman, "The Effects of Video Prompting on Teaching Daily Living Tasks to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder" (2018). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI13428641.
