"Examining the Impact of Resilience on Work Stress and Strains in Nurse" by Julie Jean Lanz

Examining the Impact of Resilience on Work Stress and Strains in Nurses

Julie Jean Lanz, Florida International University


To address commonly cited organizational and personal outcomes in the nursing industry, it is important to identify factors that may mitigate the relationship between workplace stressors and strains such as turnover intentions, job satisfaction, burnout, and injuries. The purpose of the current study is to explore the role of trait resilience on the emotion-centered model of job stress in a sample of U.S. nurses. The study uses a multiwave design to examine the mitigating role of trait resilience on work strains in nurses. In a sample of 185 nurses and 97 multiwave pairs, resilience was found to be significantly related to job-related affect, turnover intentions, job satisfaction, emotional exhaustion, and personal accomplishment. Using multiple regression analyses, the relative effects of four common stressors affecting nurses were compared: interpersonal conflict at work, quantitative workload, emotional labor, and traumatic events. After accounting for the common workplace stressors that nurses experience, interpersonal conflict at work was the only significant predictor of emotional and behavioral strains among nurses. Moreover, resilience was found to moderate the relationship between interpersonal conflict at work and job-related negative affect such that nurses that were high on resilience reported lower job-related negative affect. Given these significant relationships, resilience in the nursing industry should be further explored, as well as the potential for resilience training in the health care sector.

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Recommended Citation

Lanz, Julie Jean, "Examining the Impact of Resilience on Work Stress and Strains in Nurses" (2015). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI10002870.
