


Making waves (Miami, Fla.) Vol. 1, Women's Studies Center, Florida International University

Making waves (Miami, Fla.) Vol. 2, Women's Studies Center, Florida International University

Making waves (Miami, Fla.) Vol. 4, Women's Studies Center, Florida International University



Institute for Women Newsletter, Vol. 1, No. 1, Institute for Women, Florida International University

Occasional Papers


All's well that ends well : sex-role marking and the dialectic of logical types, Mary Free, Hugh Gladwin, and Steve Fjellman

An examination of fusion as a precipitator of lesbian battering, F. Anne Humphrey and Karen Sowers-Hoag

Can there be a universal feminism?, Lois West and Ella L. Taylor

Cries and whispers : answers to the politics of repression in comtemporary [i.e. contemporary] Brazilian women's fiction, Elizabeth Lowe

Differential gender responses to sex composition of groups : implications for social group work, Carol R. Odell and Karen M. Sowers-Hoag

Dowry in contemporary India : symbol of women's inequality, Heather T. Frazer

Feminist saint? : Edith Stein's feminism, Linda Lopez McAlister

From true women to new women : the social gospel and a changing ideal of womanhood, Susan Curtis Mernitz

Invisibilities of female socialization in Hindu society, Susan E. Waltz

Making things happen in organizations : does gender make a difference?, Ann-Marie Rizzo and Carmen Mendez

Marie Chaix: in search of a feminine identity, Yvonne Guers-Villate

Mental slavery : a feminist response to Rastafari, Rebekah Michele Mulvaney

Persons, paradigms, and prenatal injury, Jane Mary Trau

Rebellion and affection in an Iberian domestic society : the case of nineteenth-century Buenos Aires, Mark D. Szuchman

Style and self-censorship in George Eliot's first fiction, Meri-Jane Rochelson

The gift that keeps on giving, or waiting for the real thing in Alice Walker's "Strong horse tea", Deborah Anne Hooker

Theories and practices : women and feminist politics in Florida, Janice B. Snook

The poetics of Adrienne Rich, Margaret Haun

The politics of equality : working women, feminism and the law in early twentieth century America, Sybil Lipschultz

Towards a feminist apprenticeship : Margaret Mitchell's juvenile fiction, Darden Asbury Pyron

Women's rights and a writing woman in pre-revolutionary Cuba, Elena de Jongh

Women's special housing needs in an arabic cultural context : some observations from Tunisia, Susan E. Waltz