The Cuban Research Institute (CRI) at Florida International University (FIU) is dedicated to creating and disseminating knowledge about Cuba and Cuban Americans. The institute encourages original research and interdisciplinary teaching, organizes extracurricular activities, collaborates with other academic units working in Cuban and Cuban-American studies, and promotes the development of library holdings and collections on Cuba and its diaspora.
This collection of promotional material for events hosted by the Cuban Research Institute includes flyers, brochures and other ephemera.
Jose Marti: Images of Memory and Mourning
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This lecture promotes a book presentation by Emilio Bejel at Books &Books in Coral Gables, FL. This presentation was a critical study of visual representations of Jose Marti and the discourses of power that make it possible for Marti's images to be perceived as icons today. The event was held on March 2,2013.
Díaz-Ayala Library Travel Grants Now Available [Announcement]
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer announces the Díaz-Ayala Library Travel Grants for Spring and Summer 2013.
"Jose Martí: Resisting Melancholia for the Image of the Cuban Hero", Lecture by Emilio Bejel
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes the event ""Jose Martí: Resisting Melancholia for the Image of the Cuban Hero", Lecture by Emilio Bejel", cosponsored by the Department of Modern Languages at FIU.
¡Oh Cuba Hermosa! El cancionero político social en Cuba hasta 1958, Book presentation by Cristóbal Díaz Ayala
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes the event " ¡Oh Cuba Hermosa! El cancionero político social en Cuba hasta 1958, Book presentation by Cristóbal Díaz Ayala" cosponsored by FIU Libraries. This event was held at Books & Books in Coral Gables.
CRI Event/Project List: 7/1/2012 thru 6/30/2013
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This document is a blank template that was to be filled with 2012-13 Cuban Research Institute event and project information.
CRI Brochure [English]
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This brochure provides information about the Cuban Research Institute and Florida International University.
Picture of Yoani Sanchez
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
Photo of Cuban Research Institute lecturer Yoani Sanchez
CRI Brochure [Spanish]
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This brochure provides information in Spanish about the Cuban Research Institute at Florida International University.
Save the Date Classically Cuban Concert: Music for Martí
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This is the save the date flyer for the event "Classically Cuban Concert: Music for Martí".
Classically Cuban Concert: Music for Martí
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes the event "Classically Cuban Concert: Music for Martí".
DIS-COVERY: Looking at the Carteles, Lecture by Alison Fraunhar
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes the event DIS-COVERY: Looking at the Carteles, Lecture by Alison Fraunhar".
Book Presentation by Lillian Guerra
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes the book presentation by Lillian Guerra at Books & Books in Coral Gables.
Race, Negrismo, and Rehabilitated Prostitutes: Self-Styled Revolutionaries, & Unintended Dissidence in the Cuban Revolution, Lecture by Lillian Guerra
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes the event Race, Negrismo, and Rehabilitated Prostitutes: Self-Styled Revolutionaries, & Unintended Dissidence in the Cuban Revolution, Lecture by Lillian Guerra".
Diaspora and Development
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes the website "Diaspora and Development" (D&D), which is part of the project on "The Cuban Diaspora and the Development of the Entrepreneurial Sector in Cuba" of the Cuban Research Institute. The site wishes to contribute to the success of Cuban entrepreneurs on the Island, and of family and friends that support them from the diaspora.
El Valor de las Instituciones: El Indice de Calidad Institucional
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes the lecture "El Valor de las Instituciones: El Indice de Calidad Institucional" by Dr. Martin Krause, a Professor of Economics at the University of Buenos Aires. This event was held at Books&Books in Coral Gables,FL on September 19,2012, and was part of the "Conferencias" series by the Interamerican Institute for Democracy.
Assimilation or Transnationalism? Evidence from the Latino National Survey for Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and South Americans who Immigrated to the USA from 1958 to 2005
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
Mercosur: The Common Market of the South: Institutional Reality and Challenges
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes a lecture by Raquel Rodriguez on Mercosur, an economic and political agreement among Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. Rodriguez is a renowned consultant and former Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Uruguay. This event was held on August 29,2012 at FIU Modesto A.Maidique Campus, DM163.
Opportunity for FIU Undergraduate Students Inter-University Program for Latino Research: Summer Institute for Latino Public Policy
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes an event for Inter-University Program for Latino Research: Summer Institute for Latino Public Policy, where 30 young scholars convene in Washington, D.C. for a one week intensive training and orientation to public policy and legislative processes through seminars, workshops, site visits to national Organizations and meeting with Congressional representatives. This conference was held from June 17-22, 2012.
Mambomania: The Explosion of Cuban Popular Dance Styles in the 1940s and 1950s
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
Mambomania is a lecture by Sarah Town, recipient of the 2012 FIU Travel Grant awarded by the FIU Latin American and Caribbean Center and FIU Libraries. Town is a first year graduate student in musicology at Princeton University, with interests in popular dance music of Cuban and Latin America, popular and folkloric dance styles, and the music of Cuba's post-revolutionary vanguard. The event was held on June 1, 2012 at FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus, DM 353.
La reforma de la economia cubana y las perspectivas de crecimiento
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes a conference "La reforma de la economia cubana y las perspectivas de crecimiento" by Dr. Pavel Vidal. Vidal is from the Centro de Estudios de la Economia Cubana from the University of Havana. Vidal analyzed the potential of the economics field to generate economic growth.
The Popular Cuban Piano Style of the 1940s and 1950s: A Lecture by Michael Eckroth
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes an event "The Popular Cuban Piano Style of the 1940s and 1950s", a lecture by Michael Eckroth, a recipient of the 2012 FIU Travel Grant awarded by the FIU Latin American and Caribbean Center and FIU Libraries. Eckroth's research focuses on prominent musical figures from the 1940s and 1950s such as Lili Martinez, Bebo Valdez, Jesus Valdez and Perdo "Peruchin" Justiz. The event was held on May 17,2012 at the FIU Modesto A. Maidique Campus.
Aportes del euroafricano a Ia cultura musical
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes the conference "Aportes del euroafricano a la cultura musical" by Dr. Cecilio Tieles, pianist and graduate of the Paris National Conservatory and the Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow. The conference was held on May 10,2012 at FIU Modesto A.Maidique Campus DM100.
Diaz-Ayala Cuban and Latin American Popular Music Collection Travel Grants Now Available
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes the Diaz-Ayala Cuban & Latin American Popular Music Collection Travel Grants, with a deadline for submissions on April 13,2012. The two research travel grant awards are of up to $1500 each to offset the costs of a minimum one-week stay to use the Diaz-Ayala Collection.
Future Visions for the Cuban Research Institute at Florida International University
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer promotes the public presentations by candidates for the position of Director at the Cuban Research Institute. Among the candidates are Alejandro M. de la Fuente, Jorge Duany, Ariana Hernandez-Reguant, and Adriana Mendez-Rodenas.
Muestra de eventos ausplclados durante el ano academlco 2012-13
Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University
This flyer provides a summary of events in Spanish held by the Cuban Research Institute in the 2012-2013 academic year.