"Craving Cuba Film Screening and Discussion with Director Zuzelin Marti" by Zuzelin Martin Lynch



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Event Description

Craving Cuba is a documentary film about the Cuban-American experience and its complicated relationship with Cuba. It explores identity and what it means to be and become American in a time when the whole world is obsessed with Cuba.This is a story about identity, family, exile, and hope. Follow the journey of a Cuban-American woman who has never been to Cuba. Although she has always felt very American, there was always a strong pull to the other half of her identity. Like most in the exiled community, she grew up not being able to go to Cuba. After the December 17, 2014 announcement by President Barack Obama, everything changed.

Released in February 2016, the film has been accepted to eight film festivals and won an Audience Best Documentary Feature Award at its World Premiere at the Gasparilla International Film Festival. Among those interviewed in the film are actor Carlos Ponce, journalist Soledad O'Brien, novelist Cristina Garcia, actress Carmen Peláez, author Ana Sofia Peláez, father Alberto Cutié, opera singer Eglise Gutiérrez, Raúl Moas (former executive director of Roots of Hope), and Guarioné Diaz, founding director of the Cuban American National Council.

Zuzelin Martin Lynch is a Cuban-American filmmaker, writer, and producer who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. Born and raised in Elizabeth, N.J., and heavily influenced by her grandparents, she attributes her passion and drive to her Cuban roots. Her fascination with bicultural identity inspired the making of Craving Cuba and previous works, including the award-winning web series, Cooking for the Clueless and Fridays with Fabio.



Document Type


Event Date

Spring 3-22-2017


Latin American Studies

Craving Cuba Film Screening and Discussion with Director Zuzelin Martin Lynch



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