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This review focuses on the era of antibiosis that led to a better understanding of bacterial morphology, in particlar the cell wall component peptidoglycan. This is an effort to take readers on a tour de force from the concept of antibiosis, to the serepidity of antibiotics, evolution of betalactam development, and the molecular biology of antibiotic resistance. These areas of research have culminated in a deeper understanding of microbiology, particularly in the area of bacterial cell wall synthesis and recycling. In spite of this knowledge, which has enabled design of new even more effective therapeutics to combat bacterial infection and has provided new research tools, antibiotic resistance remains a worldwide health care problem.


Listed as a paper “of outstanding interest” by Llarrull et al, 2010 Current Opinion in Microbiology 13:551-557.

Pubmed Author's Manuscript. Originally published in Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica, et Immunologica Scandinavica





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