College of Business Faculty Publications | College of Business | Florida International University


Submissions from 2019


The Potential of Blockchain Technology for Health Information Exchange: Experimental Study From Patients’ Perspectives, Pouyan Esmaeil Zadeh and Tala Mirzaei


The Association Between Willingness of Frontline Care Providers’ to Adaptively Use of Telehealth Technology and Virtual Service Performance in Provider-to-Provider Communication: Quantitative Study, Hyeyoung Hah, Deanna Goldin, and Sejin Ha


What’s on your keyboard? A systematic review of the contamination of peripheral computer devices in healthcare settings, Nicole Ide, Bianca K. Frogner, Cynthia M. LeRouge, and Matthew Thompson


What’s on your keyboard? A systematic review of the contamination of peripheral computer devices in healthcare settings, Nicole Ide, Bianca K. Frogner, Cynthia M. LeRouge, Patrick Vigil, and Matthew Thompson


What’s on your keyboard? A systematic review of the contamination of peripheral computer devices in healthcare settings, Nicole Ide, Bianca K. Frogner, Cynthia M. LeRouge, Patrick Vigil, and Matthew Thompson


Design Guidelines for a Technology-Enabled Nutrition Education Program to Support Overweight and Obese Adolescents: Qualitative User-Centered Design Study, Cynthia M. LeRouge, Polina Durneva, Savitha Sangameswaran, and Anne-Marie Gloster

Submissions from 2018


VIII Congreso de Investigación Financiera FIMEF/VIII Financial Research Conference FIMEF, Egade Business School, Tecnologico de Monterrey and IMEF Foundation

Submissions from 2017


Patient Health Record Systems Scope and Functionalities: Literature Review and Future Directions, Lina Bouayad, Anna Ialynytchev, and Balaji Padmanabhan

Submissions from 2015


Latin America’s challenge: A fresh look at industrial policy, Jerry Haar


A dialectical perspective on burnout and engagement, Matthew R. Leon, Jonathon R.B. Halbesleben, and Samantha C. Paustian-Underdahl

Submissions from 2012


Institution-Based Weaknesses Behin Emergin Multinationals, Mike W. Peng and Ronaldo C. Parente

Submissions from 2011


Product marketcompetitionandcorporategovernance, Julia Chou, Lilian Ng, and Qinghai Wang

Submissions from 2010


Multi-level reputation signals in service industries in Latin America, William Newburry and M. Abrahim Soleimani