Possum Trot


Robert Barnum



Download Full Text (68 KB)

Download Lynton L. Barnum Obituary (106 KB)

Download Information on John M. Barnum from the Homestead Museum (87 KB)

Download Visit to Homestead Townhall Museum - March 30, 2021 (113 KB)

Download Alpha Gamma Sorority Document, 1974 (773 KB)

Download Barnum Family: Robert's Uncle (568 KB)

Download Barnum Family Documents: Robert’s Parents (524 KB)

Download obert Young: The Miami News, November 7, 1965 (403 KB)

Download Barnum Family Photographs (389 KB)

Download Robert Barnum Identification Records (349 KB)

Download Robert Barnum Identification Records (371 KB)

Download Aerial Image of Possum Trot Nursery (457 KB)

Download John and Eunice Barnum (21 KB)


This collection provides a detailed look into the agricultural and personal history of the Barnum family, owners of Possum Trot Tropical Fruit Nursery in the Redland area of Miami-Dade County. The materials include scanned documents, newspaper clippings, personal family photos, and historical records related to the Barnum family’s agricultural legacy, local land ownership, and connections to key agricultural figures and practices in South Florida.

Publication Date



Homestead, Florida


Possum Trot, Barnum Family, Redlands, Miami Agriculture, Tropical Fruits, Regenerative Farming, Historical Land Ownership


Earth Sciences | Natural Resources and Conservation | Other Earth Sciences | Soil Science | Sustainability


Included in this Collection:

Newspaper Clippings: Articles from The Miami News (Nov 7, 1965) detailing the agricultural contributions of Robert Barnum and the broader Barnum family’s involvement in tropical fruit farming in the Redlands region.

Personal Documents: Scanned personal and family documents, including Robert Barnum’s identification records, family photographs, and correspondences highlighting the family’s history and involvement in South Florida’s agricultural sector.

Institutional Research and Communication: Documents detailing communication between FIU faculty and researchers, including records related to visits to the Homestead Townhall Museum, research on local agricultural history, and land ownership.

Possum Trot Aerial Images: Aerial images showcasing the layout and scale of Possum Trot Nursery, emphasizing its significant contributions to regenerative farming and the preservation of tropical fruit species.

Family Obituaries and Photos: Obituaries for Lynton L. Barnum (Robert's uncle) and other members of the Barnum family, as well as a photograph of Robert Barnum's parents, John and Eunice Barnum, providing insight into the family's legacy and personal history.

Access to these materials is limited to FIU-affiliated users due to copyright restrictions.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed within the Possum Trot Oral History Project are those of the individual participants and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Florida International University, the FIU Department of Earth & Environment’s Agroecology Program, the FIU Institute of Environment, FIU College of Arts, Sciences, and Education at Florida, or any affiliated institutions. The content of these interviews, provided for educational and archival purposes, does not imply an endorsement by FIU or its partners.

Possum Trot Historical Collection: Documents and Newspaper Clippings



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