Document Type



Master of Science (MS)


Computer Engineering

First Advisor's Name

Selcuk Uluagac

First Advisor's Committee Title

Committee chair

Second Advisor's Name

Kemal Akkaya

Second Advisor's Committee Title

committee member

Third Advisor's Name

Alexander Perez-Pons

Third Advisor's Committee Title

committee member


Honeypot, Honeynet, SDN, Cryptojacking, IoT, IIoT, CPS, Network Security, IDPS, Docker, ML

Date of Defense



The purpose of this thesis is to explore honeypot-based security enhancements for information systems. First, we provide a comprehensive survey of the research that has been carried out on honeypots and honeynets for Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and Cyber-physical Systems (CPS). We provide a taxonomy and extensive analysis of the existing honeypots and honeynets, state key design factors for the state-of-the-art honeypot/honeynet research and outline open issues. Second, we propose S-Pot, a smart honeypot framework based on open-source resources. S-Pot uses enterprise and IoT honeypots to attract attackers, learns from attacks via ML classifiers, and dynamically configures the rules of SDN. Our performance evaluation of S-Pot in detecting attacks using various ML classifiers shows that it can detect attacks with 97% accuracy using J48 algorithm. Third, for securing host-based Docker containers from cryptojacking, using honeypots, we perform a forensic analysis to identify indicators for the detection of unauthorized cryptomining, present measures for securing them, and propose an approach for monitoring host-based Docker containers for cryptojacking detection. Our results reveal that host temperature, combined with container resource usage, Stratum protocol, keywords in DNS requests, and the use of the container’s ephemeral ports are notable indicators of possible unauthorized cryptomining.



Previously Published In

Javier Franco, Ahmet Aris, Berk Canberk, A. Selcuk Uluagac, “A Survey of Honeypots and Honeynets for Internet of Things, Industrial Internet of Things, and Cyber-Physical Systems”, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 23(4):2351- 2383, 202



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