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#StayWoke: The Language and Literacies of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement
Elaine Richardson and Alice Ragland
'She Ugly': Black Girls, Women in Hiphop and Activism--Hiphop Feminist Literacies Perspectives
Elaine Richardson
The Challenges Facing Adult Literacy Programs
Daphne Greenberg
From Access to Refusal: Remaking University-Community Collaboration
Caroline Gottschalk-Druschke
Bilingual Comics on the Border as Graphic Medicine: Journaling and Doodling for Dementia Caregiving during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Elvira Carrizal-Dukes, Maria Isela Maier, Sarah Y. Jimenez, Jacob Martinez, David Hernandez, and Ronnie Dukes
African Americans in Ghana: Enacting Literate Acts of Healing from Epistemic and Ontological Harm
Mohammed Sakip Iddrisu
* Based on the average number of full-text downloads per day since the paper was posted.
» Updated as of 10/27/24.