Beneath the Surface: Oral Histories of South Florida’s Waters

Toni Lohroff

Toni Lohroff


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In this interview, Toni Lohroff talks about the similarities and differences of living in Michigan, California, and Miami. Ms. Lohroff discusses what drives her to pursue marine biology and advocacy on behalf of ocean conservation. She describes how impactful education is on the future of our oceans. Toni explains that she is the education manager at International SeaKeepers and is always educating future generations of Miami on how we can conserve our beautiful waterways. Ms. Lohroff also explains her undergraduate and graduate research that has informed her understanding of the different waterways she has worked with. Even though she focuses on advocacy in the form of education now, she describes her passion for coral reefs, which relates to her research.

Publication Date



Florida International University


Miami, Florida


Florida International University, Marine Biology Graduate, Ocean Advocacy, Waterways, Miami, Education, Plastic Free Oceans, Biscayne Bay, Mexico, California Michigan, University of Miami, Floating Classrooms


Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology



Toni was born and raised in Southwest Michigan, where her high school biology teacher fostered her passion for science and research. She followed her interest in marine science to the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, where she earned a double Bachelor of Marine and Atmospheric Science in Marine Science and Biology. As an undergraduate student, Toni worked and completed research with the UM Experimental Fish Hatchery, focusing on sustainable aquaculture development and waste reduction. Toni also completed her Master of Science in Animal Biology at the University of California, Davis. Her research focused on conservation larviculture of California fishes threatened by climate change and human influence. After a brief time living in Northern Baja, California, Mexico, Toni returned to Miami to work with SeaKeepers as the Education Manager. In this role, she connects with students, educators, and citizen scientists via floating classrooms, educational workshops, and the Junior SeaKeepers program. Through this position, Toni applies her vast knowledge of marine research to inspire students of all ages from around the globe to develop a passion for ocean conservation.

Toni Lohroff



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