"Mentoring in an on -the -job training context" by Jacqueline Malie Royer

Mentoring in an on -the -job training context

Jacqueline Malie Royer, Florida International University


This study examined mentoring within an on-the-job training (OJT) context, with a focus on how mentors' perceptions of protégé competence affected both the short and long terin benefits of mentoring. The participants in this survey research were education majors at Florida International University engaged in a semester of student teaching. Their cooperating teachers, who were employed by Dade County, also participated. It was hypothesized and found that mentors who perceived their protégés as more competent provided higher quality mentoring and greater autonomy when performing training tasks. Protégés' self-efficacy was not affected by the amount of autonomy received during training. Additionally, protégés' final performance was not affected by their self-efficacy at the end of the training experience. Two mediated relationships were tested, although support for them was not found. Autonomy was hypothesized to mediate the relationship between mentors' perceptions of protégé competence and protégé self-efficacy. Protégé self-efficacy was expected to mediate the relationship between protégé autonomy and the final performance score. This study has shown the importance of considering mentors' perceptions of their protégés' competence when creating mentoring dyads during OJT.

Subject Area

Occupational psychology|Teacher education

Recommended Citation

Royer, Jacqueline Malie, "Mentoring in an on -the -job training context" (2001). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI3004860.
