"Finding fact by using fiction" by Jodi Ellen McBride

Finding fact by using fiction

Jodi Ellen McBride, Florida International University


This study was to explore the psychoanalytic process that writers experience when they write memoirs. With psychoanalytic theory, the findings were that when writers compose memoirs which include repressed information, the writer's word choice or word block is heavily influenced by his/her own moral code. This idea led to the assertions that first, we are fragmented because of the discordance that arises between the structures of morality and language, the latter which includes good and evil; second, when we write memoirs, we must create a fictional identity that allows the different fragments of identity to operate under the illusion of continuity that language provides; and third, the language we use may transcend our repressed information into consciousness. The conclusion was that when past immoral truths are uncovered, the various fragments with their selfish aims and the fictional identity cease to exist in the wake of being.

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Recommended Citation

McBride, Jodi Ellen, "Finding fact by using fiction" (2002). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1409101.
