"Pilot study: Intranet communication among chronically ill hospitalized" by Beatriz Martinez

Pilot study: Intranet communication among chronically ill hospitalized pediatric individuals

Beatriz Martinez, Florida International University


Hospitalization can be a very stressful experience, especially for children. With the use of technology, Intranet communication can be successful in obtaining interaction that these individuals lack to accomplish a positive adjustment to the hospital setting. The purpose of this exploratory, pilot project is to examine the use of networking chronically ill, hospitalized children with other hospitalized chronically ill children through Intranet communication. A target population of chronically ill hospitalized children, in at least Piaget's concrete operational stage, was asked to use the Intranet system to network with other chronically ill hospitalized children during their hospital stay, for one month or until discharge. The length of time of usage was recorded on a log sheet, and questionnaires were filled out at the end of the study. Statistical analysis was utilized to determine frequency of network usage, duration, demographics, and the impact on hospitalization. Results indicated that Intranet communication between chronically ill hospitalized children was utilized by the participants from 7-15 age groups; and had a positive impact on their hospitalization.

Subject Area

Nursing|Communication|Health care

Recommended Citation

Martinez, Beatriz, "Pilot study: Intranet communication among chronically ill hospitalized pediatric individuals" (1999). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1394374.
