"Occupational therapists' attitudes toward homosexuality" by Melissa Anne Kalbac

Occupational therapists' attitudes toward homosexuality

Melissa Anne Kalbac, Florida International University


Two hundred and eighty-five occupational therapists were surveyed to determine their general attitudes toward homosexuality, and whether certain demographic variables and means of exposure affected these attitudes. Attitudes ranged from neutral to positive. Those demographic variables that did affect respondents' attitudes were: sexual orientation, gender, and educational level. Those respondents who identified themselves as homosexual or bisexual had more positive attitudes than those who were heterosexual. Female respondents had more positive attitudes than male respondents and those respondents who held a Master's degree had more positive attitudes than those who held a Bachelor's degree. It was determined that respondents who had a family member or friend who was gay had more positive attitudes than those who did not. An unexpected finding was that respondents who had received adequate information about homosexuality in their occupational therapy curriculum had more negative attitudes than those who did not receive adequate information. It was therefore concluded that those occupational therapists who had not been provided with adequate information on homosexuality in their occupational therapy curriculum but had more positive attitudes toward homosexuality, were older and had more years of experience in occupational therapy.

Subject Area

Rehabilitation|Therapy|Occupational psychology

Recommended Citation

Kalbac, Melissa Anne, "Occupational therapists' attitudes toward homosexuality" (1998). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1390033.
