Author Information

Coralie Pring
Jon Vrushi

Date of Publication

2019 12:00 AM

Security Theme

Transnational Organized Crime


Transnational Organized Crime, srhreports, transnationalorganizedcrime, Latin America, corruption, LAC, political corruption, Brazil, Guatemala, Venezuela, Chile, sex extortion, extortion, Peru, elections, Colombia, Jamaica, transnational organized crime


"In the last five years, momentum has been building against corruption in Latin America and the Caribbean. High-level politicians were found guilty of corruption in Guatemala and Brazil, and a wave of legal action against the perpetrators of grand corruption swept across the continent, including the Lava Jato investigation, or “Operation Car Wash”, in Brazil. This presents a real opportunity for anti-corruption in the region. However, this 10th edition of the Global Corruption Barometer – Latin America and the Caribbean shows that most citizens think their governments are not doing enough to tackle corruption and that corruption levels have increased in the past 12 months across the region."


description quoted from report


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Global Corruption Baromoter Latin America & The Caribbean 2019: Citizens' Views and Experiences of Corruption

"In the last five years, momentum has been building against corruption in Latin America and the Caribbean. High-level politicians were found guilty of corruption in Guatemala and Brazil, and a wave of legal action against the perpetrators of grand corruption swept across the continent, including the Lava Jato investigation, or “Operation Car Wash”, in Brazil. This presents a real opportunity for anti-corruption in the region. However, this 10th edition of the Global Corruption Barometer – Latin America and the Caribbean shows that most citizens think their governments are not doing enough to tackle corruption and that corruption levels have increased in the past 12 months across the region."


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