Speeding Toward Extinction: Vessel Strikes Threaten North Atlantic Right Whale
Date of Publication
2021 12:00 AM
Security Theme
IUU Fishing
IUU Fishing, IUU fishing, endangered species, vessel regulation, vessel speed regulation, North Atlantic right whales
The North Atlantic right whale is one of the most endangered whales on the planet. Only around 360 remain. 7 The two greatest threats to this species are vessel strikes and entanglements in fishing gear. To reduce the risk from these threats, the United States government must: 1) require vessels to avoid areas where North Atlantic right whales are present or if avoidance is not possible, slow down to minimize the risk of serious injury or death; and 2) reduce the number of vertical lines from fishing gear in the water, particularly in times and places where North Atlantic right whales are present. For this analysis, Oceana examined vessel speeds in areas where U.S. regulations direct them to slow down to protect whales and found that most vessels were not slowing down when they should be.
Speeding Toward Extinction: Vessel Strikes Threaten North Atlantic Right Whale
The North Atlantic right whale is one of the most endangered whales on the planet. Only around 360 remain. 7 The two greatest threats to this species are vessel strikes and entanglements in fishing gear. To reduce the risk from these threats, the United States government must: 1) require vessels to avoid areas where North Atlantic right whales are present or if avoidance is not possible, slow down to minimize the risk of serious injury or death; and 2) reduce the number of vertical lines from fishing gear in the water, particularly in times and places where North Atlantic right whales are present. For this analysis, Oceana examined vessel speeds in areas where U.S. regulations direct them to slow down to protect whales and found that most vessels were not slowing down when they should be.