Volume 49, Number 2 (2025)
January 2025
Hello Organization of Teacher Educators in Literacy (OTEL) Members and Interested Readers,
We are excited to bring you a new issue of Literacy Practice and Research (LPR) Online. Please consider volunteering for this important service to the profession and reach out to either Michelle Kelley (michelle.kelley@ucf.edu) or Kathleen Howe (khoweesu@gmail.com) if interested.
If you are not an ILA/OTEL member, below are two ways to join or renew your membership. Joining or renewing your OTEL membership now comes at no cost! To take advantage of this opportunity, you need to be a member of ILA. You can add your OTEL membership through one of the following methods:
1. **Complete the ILA Special Interest Group Signup Form**: Access it directly here-- https://fs6.formsite.com/intntlreading/pfeqznwyy4/index or on the ILA website https://www.literacyworldwide.org/get-involved/chapters-and-affiliates/special-interest-groups
2. **Call ILA**: Dial 800-339-7323 to speak with a representative who can assist you.
As always thank you all for this opportunity to serve you, our profession, and the broader public who support our work. We hope you enjoy this issue. We anticipate a late spring/summer edition, and we encourage you to submit to the journal.
Kathleen Howe
Michelle Kelley
The Case for Summer Learning: Effects of Literacy-Based Summer Program on Reading Achievement
Sanjuana C. Rodriguez, Jihye Kim, Megan Adams, Virginie Jackson, and Karla Ramirez
Applying a Technology Integration Model to Guide Literacy Lesson Planning: A Focus on Teaching Critical Literacy Skills Using Multicultural Literature and Digital Tools
Kathleen S. Howe, Sumreen Asim, and Rhonda Christensen
Building Reflexive Capacity for the Developing Specialized Literacy Professional through Praxis: Graduate Level Course-Based Assessments as Change Agents
Patricia M. Durham, Associate Professor; Jacqueline Ingram, Associate Clinical Professor; and Debra Price, Professor