Volume 47, Number 3 (2022)
Hello to All of Our LPR-Online Readers and Authors! We are so grateful that LPR-ONLINE now has readers in over 18 countries. Because of such high volume of submissions and readership, we seek additional reviewers. Please consider volunteering for this important position. LPR-Online can publish as many issues as we wish. Thus, potential authors—please submit to the journal. As you know there are many literacies and LPR-ONLINE honors more than reading and writing instruction. I would like to initiate a Letters to the Editors section to LPR-ONLINE. So, what's on your mind regarding literacy? Please write to us and submit online. How about photos? visual art? semiotic systems other than prose? text and a transmediation of that text? a newly devised reading or writing strategy? Let’s get innovative!! See below. Best Regards Janet Richards, Ph.D, Professor Senior Editor. LPR-ONLINE Transmediation is “the process of translating meanings from one sign, or semiotic system, such as prose into another sign system (e.g., a pictorial representation, poetry, music, dance, drama) (Siegel, 1995) (also see Suhor (1984;1992) ; extended by Semali (2002), Semali and Fueyo (2001 Short, Kauffman & Khann, (2000); Wright, 2007) A strategy is a plan to achieve positive action and success (retrieved from (http://www.positivection.net/planning)Articles
Putting out Fires through a Re-Grounded Critical Literacy: Slowing the Spread of Misinformation through Teacher Education
Noah Asher Golden and Breanna Couffer
Contemporary Children’s Literature in Education Courses: Diverse, Complex, and Critical
Jennifer Graff, Lauren Aimonette Liang, Miriam G. Martinez, Amy McClure, Deanna Day, Mary-Kate Sableski, and Jackie M. Arnold
Teacher Educators' Beliefs, Self-Efficacy, and Perceptions Related to Dyslexia: Phase I
Teddy D. Roop and Kathleen S. Howe
Voices of Ukraine Call Flyer
Voices of Ukraine Call Flyer
Narratives Call Flyer
Narratives Call Flyer
Displaced Peoples Call Flyer
Displaced Peoples Call Flyer

Cover Artist
Lucy Monette is the Academic Advisor at Solid Rock Community School in Tarpon Springs, Florida. She is currently pursuing her PhD in Curriculum & Instruction with a focus in Interdisciplinary Education. In her spare time, she enjoys creating art while enjoying nature.
Through arts-based research, she explores the relationship between art, therapy and nature. She learned the process of creating nature art helped reduce her anxiety. This process is illuminating and transformative. She finds the combination of nature and art a calming and unique form of therapy.