Document Type
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Biomedical Engineering
First Advisor's Name
Markondeyaraj Pulugartha
First Advisor's Committee Title
Committee Chair
Second Advisor's Name
John L. Volakis
Second Advisor's Committee Title
Co-Committee Chair
Third Advisor's Name
Ranu Jung
Third Advisor's Committee Title
Committee Member
Fourth Advisor's Name
Zachary Danziger
Fourth Advisor's Committee Title
Committe Member
Fifth Advisor's Name
Shekhar Bhansali
Fifth Advisor's Committee Title
Committe Member
Wireless, Passive, Neural Recording, Seismocardiogram, Embedded Passive, Flexible Packaging, Health Monitoring
Date of Defense
Monitoring of disease progression by detecting key markers at early stages and providing sufficient intervention to prevent acute and chronic conditions has been a key focus of current wearable and implantable healthcare technologies. When combined with advanced data analytics, these markers can further stratify disease outcomes based on a new set of classifiers for accurate and autonomous predictors. To enable this, the objective of this dissertation is to develop wireless multimodal biosignal monitoring with advanced circuit topologies and thin-film packaging. Specifically, the dissertation seeks to advance implantable electrocorticogram (ECoG) and wearable seismocardiogram (SCG) patches. The proposed strategy consists of three parts: advanced telemetry components for thinner and efficient communication, low-power and low-loss topologies for signal communication, and 3D package integration of a sensor-communication chain for meeting the system targets. The key fundamental advances are demonstrated through in vitro testing using phantom tissue models.
This research led to three major scientific and engineering accomplishments. They are: 1) a new class of thin neural ECoG recordings using fully-embedded actives and thin-film passives in a thin flexible package that operates at low power. The recording components are embedded using a chip-first assembly to reduce package dimensions and provide shorter interconnect length for superior electrical performance. Furthermore, embedding components into the substrate can allow for packages with simpler 3D architectures, reducing the number of layers in the circuit design, resulting in thinner packages. 2) development of passive impedance transforming circuits to improve signal sensitivity for the neural recording systems, 3) integration of passive telemetry circuitry with on-skin piezo transducers that led to the first-ever demonstration of a fully-passive wireless seismocardiogram. The dissertation presents: 1) a miniaturized single-layer antenna topology to realize thin substrates for passive telemetry of weak biosignals, 2) skin-compatible PVDF sensors for improving transduction with cardiac mechanical signals, and 3) flexible interconnects with conductive elastomers for embedded-chip thin packages. These developments have resulted in a passive RF backscattering telemetry package with impedance-matched signal interfaces, compliant piezoelectric transducers, and embedded-components, all forming the building blocks towards future health-monitoring needs.
Recommended Citation
Been Sayeed, Sk Yeahia, "Multimodal Sensing and Communication with Advanced Components, Circuit topologies, and Biosystem packaging" (2022). FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 5189.
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