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Document Type

DNP Project





Background: Chronic pain is an underdiagnosed and undertreated medical ailment in the United States. Despite the plethora of services available, patients continue to experience chronic pain that impairs quality of life and personal well-being both physically and mentally. Failure of medical management leads to adjunctive and complementary treatments. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy technique that can be tailored to patients in the treatment and management of chronic pain disorders such as phantom limb pain and rheumatoid arthritis. This quality improvement project aimed to inform anesthesia providers of the benefits that EMDR can provide as an adjunctive pain management option for outpatient or inpatient pain management.

Method: A literature review determined the efficacy of EMDR in the treatment of chronic pain and the methods of delivery. Articles were obtained from PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, and APA PsycNet for references and background information on the topic from 2008 to 2023. Inclusion criteria consisted of chronic pain management and adjunctive treatment for pain management. An education module would be presented followed by an anonymous data collection survey of anesthesia providers. The educational module provided a pretest and posttest questionnaire/survey to evaluate the efficacy of the educational module.

Results: Following deployment of the educational module, pre and post-test questionnaires had shown a significant increase in participant knowledge for EMDR. This would highlight a successful educational module with adequate learning and increase in over half of the questionnaire provided.

Keywords: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, EMDR, chronic pain, AIP model, adjunctive pain management

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