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Document Type

DNP Project




OBJECTIVE: Oral health conditions mainly cavities and tooth decay had been implicated in oral cavities neoplasm incidence, complications, prognosis, and survival. The current study aimed to assess the knowledge and skills of oncology nurses, prior to the application of the training and education module on oral hygiene, and thereafter re-assessment.

MATERIALS & METHODS: A repeated measure, the non-experimental design was used to assess the knowledge and skills of nursing staff. The study was conducted at 5 Hope, 6 Hope, and 5 Clarke, Baptist Hospital of Miami, with 145 nurse participants in the pretest assessment, while 63 nurses completed the post-test. A paired sample t-test was applied in assessing the contribution of training and education modules in oral hygiene knowledge and skills enhancement among oncology nurses.

RESULTS An estimated 145 nurses completed the pretest prior to the education intervention module, while 63 completed the post-test (43.4%), indicative of a 56.6% attrition rate. With respect to study characteristics, females represented (84.1%), males (15.9%), day shift (71.4%), and night shift,28.6%. In addition, the age group, 21-40 years represented 76.2%, advanced and expert nurses, 51.6%, bachelor’s degree, 76.2%, while 6-Hope represented 54%. The pretest mean score was 11.8, SD 3.4, 95% Confidence Interval (CI), 11.0-12.6., while the posttest mean score was 10.8, SD= 4.6, 95 % CI, 9.6-12.0, p = 0.04.

CONCLUSION. This study, due to participants’ low concentration after exposure to oral hygiene education observed no improvement in the knowledge of the nursing staff in this training module.