
Article Title

Deaths attributable to overweight and obesity in Paraguay from 2010-2014


Objectives: To estimate the total number of deaths from 2010-2014 attributable to overweight and obesity in Paraguay using mortality and risk factors data from national databases using meta-analysis relative risks. Methods: This ecological retrospective exploratory study used information from all the reported deaths in Paraguay from 2010 to 2014. Data was provided by the Ministerio de Salud Pública y Bienestar Social (Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare) (MSPyBS) and the Sub-Sistema de Estadísticas Vitales (Vital Statistics Sub-System) (SSIEV). Deaths are coded using the ICD-10 system. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was extrapolated from the Encuesta Nacional de Factores de Riesgo 2011 (ENET2011) database. This is a national survey carried out between the MSPyBS and the Dirección General de Estadísticas y Censos (DGEEC). Results: The average mortality rate in Paraguay was 6 per 1000 habitants from 2010-2014. During this period, a total of 133,035 deaths were reported, with during this period, with 43,8% occurring in females and 56.17% in males. Out of the deaths recorded in this timeframe, 11.1% of females’ deaths were attributable to overweight and obesity, whereas this percentage was 7.3% for males. 9% of all deaths in Paraguay are estimated to be due to obesity and overweight. Conclusions: Overweight and obesity represent a considerable mortality burden among the Paraguayan population. Although more studies are necessary to establish associations, this first approximation allows us to estimate the potential health policy interventions might bring to the population.