Authorship Category

Student(s) only

Faculty Mentor/Sponsor

Dr. Gerene Starratt and Dr. Ruth Ban

Document Type



Autoethnography, Studying Abroad, Second Language, Journaling, Foreign Teaching


This autoethnographical study seeks to develop a deeper understanding of the challenges that are faced by the researcher in adapting to a new cultural and linguistic setting as well as describing the teaching practices that the researcher encounters in a Mexican classroom; data will be collected through the process of reflective journaling as well as the collection of pictures and artifacts.



Included in

Education Commons



Working in a Mexican Classroom: An Autoethnographic Study

This autoethnographical study seeks to develop a deeper understanding of the challenges that are faced by the researcher in adapting to a new cultural and linguistic setting as well as describing the teaching practices that the researcher encounters in a Mexican classroom; data will be collected through the process of reflective journaling as well as the collection of pictures and artifacts.